“Faithful Unto Death”

Symbol: Sailboat- Tri Sigma’s Sailboat symbolizes continual forward motion, never moving backward, but progressing towards its destination.

Flower: Purple Violet

Colors: Royal Purple and White

Jewel: Pearl

Founded – April 20, 1898

Headquarters – Mabel Lee Walton House Woodstock, VA

Philanthropy – Tri Sigma created the Robbie Page Memorial Fund and is our chosen philanthropy organization. In 1992 the Sigma Sigma Sigma Educational Foundation and the Robbie Page Memorial Fund combined to form the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation which provided the opportunity for members to give tax deductible gifts to fund play therapy programs throughout the country, award scholarships to deserving members, and support leadership training and education programs of the national Tri Sigma Organization

Events – Fall Semi Formal, Spring Formal, Haunted Tour, Halloween Dance, Dads/Moms Weekend, Founder’s Day, and Sisterhoods. (Events may vary.) 

Interesting Fact – Carrie Underwood and Linda Denham (Co-creator of Care Bears) are Tri Sigmas.

Values Statement – Sigma Sigma Sigma reaffirms its long standing core values of wisdom, power, faith, hope and love.

Members of Sigma Sigma Sigma enjoy a variety of opportunities for friendship and leadership within a positive environment. Members are required to meet on a designated day each week to discuss activities and issues pertaining to the Chapter. Every Sigma is a significant asset to the organization and each new member is a valuable part of the Eta Alpha Chapter’s commitment to move ever forward.

Follow on Twitter: @EtaAlpha_SC


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